Baldur's Gate 3: 10 Secret Instant Deaths You Must AVOID

1. Defy Vlaakith

baldurs gate 3
Larian Studios

In a fantasy setting where gods are real and very much involved in the affairs of mortals, cursing out your deity of choice is obviously not the best idea. Especially if God is standing right in front of you.

Still, if you feel especially daring and ready to tempt your fate, or rather provoke it, the questline in the githyanki creche in the mountain pass allows you to meet, talk, and potentially anger the githyanki God-Queen Vlaakith. Towards the end of the quest, the goddess makes a personal appearance and angrily orders you to kill the mysterious resident of the artifact you're carrying.

Now, when being commanded to do something by a wrathful goddess, your first instinct should be to follow suit. However, the game does allow you to defy Vlaakith and tell her to do her dirty work herself, putting her authority in question. Picking this option will quickly remind you that the world belongs to the gods, and your character is just living in it.

Angered by your impudent insubordination, Vlaakith lashes out and simply wishes your squad's entire existence away.

Well, at least you've got bragging rights for telling off a goddess. Or rather, your atomized corpse does...


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.