Baldur's Gate 3: 10 Secret Instant Deaths You Must AVOID

2. Activate Gale's Orb

baldurs gate 3
Larian Studios

Like most of your companions in Baldur's Gate III, Gale, the charming, if not slightly dorky, wizard from Waterdeep, has a little secret that packs a lot of punch. His body is infused with a teeny-tiny magical artifact that is capable of creating a not-so-tiny explosion that can level entire cities.

This artifact, known as the Netherese Orb, plays a major part in Gale's personal story, and at some point, it can even play a major part in your untimely demise.

In the second act of the game, Gale is approached by one of his wizard friends, Elminster. Elminster helps Gale stabilize the orb, but then tells him that Mystra, the goddess of magic, wants Gale to activate its destructive power in order to stop the Absoulte's cultists.

From that point on, the player unlocks a special button that allows them to activate Gale's orb. Pressing the button will turn Gale into a magical nuke, blowing up everything on the map, including your party.

And if you use the orb as Elminster instructed you inside the Absolute's lair, you can actually get an early secret ending where all the cultists die in the magical explosion.

And all it cost was your and your friends' lives!


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.