Baldur's Gate 3: 10 Secret Instant Deaths You Must AVOID

5. The Whispering Masks

baldurs gate 3
Larian Studios

In Dungeons and Dragons, hags are nefarious and powerful creatures that delight in the suffering of others. A wary adventurer should always be careful when entering one's cursed domain.

Or, you can just mess around with all of the hag's stuff, like most of Baldur's Gate's players! Yeah, that sounds way more fun and will definitely not lead to some regrettable and terrifying consequences...

During your visit to Auntie Ethel's teahouse, the player gets to see her collection of cursed clients she's gathered over the years.

One part of her exhibit consists of monster hunters who were turned into her obedient puppets with cursed artifacts known as the Whispering Masks.

When you meet the hunters, they immediately attack you, and, if you're smart, after you defeat them, you'll never look at their creepy masks ever again.

However, if curiosity takes over, you might be tempted to take the masks from them and then put one on your character. Just don't be surprised that a cursed brainwashing mask is going to curse and brainwash you.

As soon as you put the mask on, Auntie's mocking voice will sound in your head and turn you into her slave, prompting a game over the screen.


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.