Baldur's Gate 3: 10 Secret Instant Deaths You Must AVOID

4. Let Astarion Drink You Dry

baldurs gate 3
Larian Studios

Letting a vampire have a gander at your neck sounds like a pretty terrible idea. But then again, most things that Astarion, the heartthrob vampire in your rag-tag group of adventurers, proposes are absolutely terrible ideas, and yet we let him get away with them anyway!

It's that damn smile of his!

Anyway, as a vampire, Astarion obviously needs blood to survive, and at some point, he decides that the best source of blood he can get is you. Of course, whether or not he can feed on you is up to your own choices alone; however, if you do decide to become his personal blood bank, you might want to make sure Astarion doesn't make too large a withdrawal.

You see, during the first feeding scene with Astarion, if you let him suck on your neck for too long, Astarion will get a little carried away and, well, drain you dry.

The game will cut away from your lifeless corpse, and the next day someone in your team will have to resurrect you so that you can yell Astarion's ear off.

Or just agree to let him feed on you again, because some of us just don't know how to say no to him.


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.