Batman: Arkham City 2: 10 Reasons It Will Be Better Than The Prequel

6. A Prequel Isn€™t Really Needed Anyway

Batman: Arkham City Batman & Joker The Batman origin story is something almost everyone is aware of. The son of a rich family in a poor, crumbling city, Bruce Wayne sees his parents gunned down and decides to clean up Gotham by becoming a symbol criminals will fear: the Batman. Batman then spends his time battling so-called super-villains, the most infamous of which being the Joker. While it would be cool to get to play a video game that shows this relationship between Batman and Joker start for the first time, you can€™t help but think that it isn€™t really needed. We all know how the Batman started and that the Joker is just totally crazy, and we€™ve already had two games showing us that development. And now that the Joker is dead (in the Arkham universe), it seems odd to go back to him again, even if it is a prequel.

Been gaming since the Megadrive. Loves Batman, Futurama and Blackburn Rovers. Mild obsession with collecting steelbooks.