Batman: Arkham City 2: 10 Reasons It Will Be Better Than The Prequel

4. Scarecrow Will Return

Batman: Arkham Asylum Scarecrow Some of the best gameplay sections of Arkham Asylum were the ones involving Scarecrow. His fear toxin caused Batman to hallucinate and left the player experiencing some seriously crazy stuff. Everyone who played Asylum said "Wait, what?" when the game "glitched" and the Joker shot you in the head, causing a Game Over screen to appear. But Scarecrow didn€™t just create some awesome levels to play through; he also let you see inside the mind of the Dark Knight himself. The sections where you saw his parents and where you walked down Crime Alley as a young Bruce Wayne opened up the player's eyes to the tragedies of its hero's past. With Scarecrow obviously in line for a return in the sequel (Arkham City easter eggs prove that he will return to "rip Gotham City to shreds," we can expect more of the same. The story is likely to see Gotham in ruins, with Batman struggling to save it from meltdown. He will be pushing himself to the edge, which will be the perfect time for Scarecrow to strike.

Been gaming since the Megadrive. Loves Batman, Futurama and Blackburn Rovers. Mild obsession with collecting steelbooks.