Batman: Arkham Insurgency - 10 Things It Must Learn From Knight

9. Remove The "It All Happens On One Night" Setup

Batman arkham knight

Like a weird hangover from Arkham Asylum, each subsequent game has taken place across one night - assumedly as some way to ratchet up the tension and really push Batman to the limits of his capabilities.

Thing is, it's utterly unnecessary, and by the time we got to Arkham Knight, with its mishmash of Most Wanted missions, travel-time, main story and tank battles, there was no way in hell all those things happened within the spate of a few hours.

Give us a Batman story that spans a good week, month or longer - give us a scenario that Bruce can't immediately solve, that he has to ponder on for quite some time in and out of the suit, and that he only overcomes after being on the ropes for a good amount of time.

Put simply, the 'one night timeline' setup doesn't work the bigger these games become, and just needs to go.

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