Batman: Arkham Insurgency - 15 Leaked Details You're Not Supposed To Know

7. Batmobile's Tank Mode Is Gone

Batman Arkham Knight tank battles


Being that Insurgency is set before Bruce thought about modifying his sleeker, Arkham Asylum Batmobile into a whopping great tank-on-wheels, WB Montreal are taking the opportunity to do away with the most hated part of Arkham Knight: Those awfully repetitive tank battles.

The leak allays all fears, stating "the Batmobile is in the game, but it's been changed. There's no more battle mode but the controls have been modified to compensate. The combat mostly consists of chase sequences and using the Batmobile's superior speed and manoeuvrability to navigate around slower opponents while bombing the hell out of them with the car's weaponry."

Sadly for those who just hate the idea of Batman using guns or explosives whatsoever though, "the missiles, power winch and EMP device remain". But the tank battles are gone, right?


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