Batman: Arkham Knight - 10 Biggest Rumours You Need To Know

7. The Joker Will 'Return From The Dead'

If you've played Arkham City through to completion (what are you doing reading this if you haven't?), you'll know that Rocksteady ended the game on a hugely shocking note - the death of Batman's arch-nemesis, the Joker. It was a bold move for several reasons and he will continue to affect Batman's life, even in death. A synopsis for the game, found on Wikipedia, says that Arkham Knight will be set one year after the Joker's death with Batman struggling to accept that the Clown Prince Of Crime is gone for good. That connection is something that has been touched on multiple times in the comics through the years - the idea that Batman and the Joker simply cannot survive without each other - so it's pretty neat that Rocksteady have decided to bring that to the fore. However, is Joker really gone? It still seems hard to believe. Many rumours indicate that the Joker will return to life somehow in Arkham Knight, although facts and reasons as to why remain scarce. Some point to the unknown factor of the Arkham Knight and suggest that he may turn out to be the Joker in disguise - quite a bizarre theory but one that has potential, regardless. The Joker will undoubtedly have a big presence in Arkham Knight but perhaps Rocksteady would prefer that he continues to haunt Batman in death, rather than somehow resurrect him.

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.