Batman: Arkham Knight - 10 Gadgets That Must Be Included

8. Gauntlet Projectiles

Seen in: The Dark Knight We know Batman isn't one for breaking his 'one rule', but after we saw how suitably badass making the tiny blades that emerge from his gauntlets can be, we've been pining for a similar ability in-game ever since. Most definitely a lethal weapon, in the Dark Knight they're saved for that one killer scene above with The Joker, where firing them at him manages to save Bruce's skin. Although letting a handful of smaller blades fly in the direction of enemies' faces is something a potentially a bit too violent for Bats' m.o., they could easily be used as a distraction or to disable movement, taking out the tires of a fleeing vehicle for example. In terms of ranged attacks, throughout the previous titles the two most common have been either quick-firing off a Batarang or two, or using the Batclaw to reel someone in from afar before delivering a knockout clothesline blow. Adding in these gauntlet blades as another easily-deployable long-range weapon would be a great inclusion to the hectic pace of combat, wounding distanced enemies temporarily and giving you chance to manage crowds with ease.
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