Batman: Arkham Knight - 10 Key Steps To Guarantee It's 2014 Game Of The Year

9. New Gadgets

One of the biggest faults of the Arkham franchise - across both development teams - is the familiarity between all the gadgets and moves across all of the games; Origins in particular took one step forward and roughly 5 steps backwards. Sure, there was something new with the Shock Gloves, but the other "new" gadgets were blatant rip-offs of gadgets in the previous games. Take the Sticky Glue for example; it's literally just the Freeze Grenade ability from Arkham City with a new name. And while it's nice having some familiarity with all the gadgets and your own personal play-style, it is getting a bit old using Explosive Gel, Batarangs, and more. Arkham Knight needs a new weapon or gadget that can truly shake up the combat; something that acts as a go-to weapon for those already experienced with other gadgets. Additionally, adding some more complexity to the combat could hurt either.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.