Batman Arkham Knight: 10 Rumours You Need To Know

8. A Rogues Gallery: Confirmed Villains

RocksteadyRocksteadyThroughout the promotional materials available for Batman Arkham Knight, several villains have been expressly shown dabbling in their evil deeds and diabolical debautury. Among the rogues gallery are some happily expected faces and a few familiar faces rearing their ugly heads. First and foremost, that most average of villains Two-Face shows himself, along with equally unremarkable but ever so charismatic Harley Quinn. The ever so short and irritatingly cold Penguin also makes an appearance puffing on his classical cigar. Finally, confirmed is the villain supposedly taking over prime evil doing duties in this entry to the series, The Scarecrow. Last seen being dragged below the bleak and muddy (it's not mud... ) waters of Arkham Asylum's sewer system by Killer Croc, it appears that The Scarecrow has risen to fill the vast power vacuum left by antagonist premiere The Joker. How he managed to escape Killer Croc in the first place is something that will hopefully be explained or revealed through the course of Arkham Knight, and hopefully even more attention is lathered onto how The Scarecrow managed to pull Harley Quinn, Two-Face, The Penguin and a series of other thugs into line to help him hold Gotham to ransom. As seen in the debut trailer, The Scarecrow has demanded that all citizens of Gotham leave the city, or else he shall release his typical terror toxins across the city. Whatever could he want with an empty Gotham?

A Video Game Writer and Editor based in Central London, who has a background in Theatrical Lighting, Directing and Playwriting.