Batman Arkham Knight: 10 Rumours You Need To Know

7. All Is Not Lost: Confirmed Allies

RocksteadyRocksteadyPerhaps it is not worth mentioning at this point, but Batman (who very much seems the type to work alone) never works alone. Around him are a group of close, loyal allies and comrades who work in tandem to protect the streets of Gotham from the surprisingly high number of psychopaths, murderers, and career criminals who call the city home. The Gordon family make a strong and very clearly confirmed return to the series, with Jim Gordon heading up Gotham City Police Department once more as Commissioner Gordon, and his lovely daughter Barbara reprising her role as Oracle. Oracle is Batman's eyes and ears whilst he is on location at a mission, keeping him up to date with crime and developments across the city. Formerly, Barbara Gordon was Batgirl before The Joker cruelly confined her to a wheelchair, where she now supports Batman's crime solving efforts as best she can. Although there have been whispers, nothing has been confirmed of any of Batman's other allies making appearances in the upcoming game, but we wouldn't mind a visit from one of the Robins or a Nightwing... (More on that, later.)

A Video Game Writer and Editor based in Central London, who has a background in Theatrical Lighting, Directing and Playwriting.