Batman Arkham Knight: 10 Things That Should Be Included

1. Joker Hallucinations

MAJOR SPOILER ALERT FOR ARKHAM CITY The ending of Arkham City revealed that the Joker, sick after using the Titan formula on himself during Arkham Asylum, was actually Clayface for nearly the entire plot of the game. The real Joker reappears and attempts to get a cure from Batman, but is unsuccessful and succumbs to his illness. This of course led to speculation about whether or not he was actually dead, but unlike most superhero or supervillain deaths, there actually was a body. Fans have speculated for a long time that the Joker is actually alive or found some way to cheat death, and that may turn out to be the case, especially since the identity of the mysterious 'new character' the Arkham Knight is still unknown. However, bringing the Joker back would steal the spotlight away from the rest of Batman's villains and also make the ending of Arkham City all a cheap trick. Batman and the Joker are two sides of the same coin, something that Arkham Origins did a good job of conveying, and it's hard to have one without the other. Therefore, it is likely that the Joker will appear in Arkham Knight in some form, and the best possible route is as the subject of hallucinations induced by Scarecrow's fear gas. This would allow the two to have one last confrontation without straining credulity by outright resurrecting Joker, and would also make for some cool examination of what makes Batman tick. Thanks so much for reading! Leave a comment below if you enjoyed or if you think of anything else that Arkham Knight should include. Have a great day!

I'm a fan of all things comic book and an avid moviegoer. Trying to catch up on a never-ending backlog of films- maybe someday. Leave me a comment if you enjoy my articles, think I'm a hack, or anywhere in between.