Batman Arkham Knight: 10 Things That Should Be Included

9. The Return of Riddles

Although we don't know much about Arkham Knight, the first round of screenshots released have already confirmed the Riddler's return. After testing Batman extensively in Asylum and City and losing, "Enigma", or Riddler before he was Riddler, appeared in Arkham Origins threatening to release extortion data into the city, causing arrests, resignations, and a general distrust among the people. Unfortunately, although the extortion data took the place of the other games' Riddler Trophies, the actual riddles did not appear. The riddles' existence shows the care Rocksteady puts into their world; in Asylum, some of them could be found as various super-criminals' cells or personal effects lying around the grounds, and in City, there were posters, and references to comic book stories like No Mans' Land, and things that fleshed out the backstory of Gotham. The lack of riddles was one of the things that made Arkham Origins an inferior game to its predecessors. Arkham Knight is supposed to have a game world that is five times the size of City's, and I have no doubt that Rocksteady will make full use of it and absolutely stuff it with conundrums meant to stump the World's Greatest Detective.

I'm a fan of all things comic book and an avid moviegoer. Trying to catch up on a never-ending backlog of films- maybe someday. Leave me a comment if you enjoy my articles, think I'm a hack, or anywhere in between.