Batman: Arkham Knight - 10 Things It Must Learn From Origins

2. Don't Make So Many Riddler Trophies

When are collectables not fun to collect? When there are too many of them. Edward Nygma was at his best in Arkham City when he was challenging the wits of the player through a variety of means. Riddles and torturous hostage situations were an obvious highlight of the sequel, but there were a lot of flaws in striving for 100% completion. Some of the Riddler challenges in the game just weren't fun at all (lining up the question mark? Really?), and there were far too many trophies to search for. To make matters worse not only did Batman have to deal with these glowing monstrosities, but Catwoman also - meaning players had to backtrack into areas not traversed by Selina in the main storyline. Origins suffered as a result of there being a lack of Riddles to solve, but the 'datapacks' that Nygma emplored the Detective to find weren't nearly as intimidating in scale as City's trophies were. Collectibles are always welcomed, but there is a point where they become just a tad too much to bear.
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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Dad Movies are my jam.