Batman: Arkham Knight: 10 Things It Must Learn From Shadow Of Mordor

2. Integrate Detective Mode Better

There's a few similarities that can be drawn between the Arkham series and Shadow Of Mordor but one of the more obvious ones is the two overlay modes which benefit our heroes with improved vision; Wraith Mode and Detective Mode. While Detective Mode is mainly used to see through walls and track the movement of enemies, Shadow Of Mordor's Wraith Mode offers many benefits and useful advantages that put it head and shoulders above Batman's glorified night-vision goggles. For one, it is far better integrated than Batman's ability. Detective Mode feels very different visually and, due to the game requiring you to use it on a constant basis, it will begin to jar and certain locations lose their unique feel in a blue haze. Wraith Mode handles this much better; your vision is limited in it to prevent you from wandering around abusing the mode and making it feel more beneficial when you do need to track a target. Integrating Detective Mode within the game has a number of benefits; it would prevent a need to have it on continuously (as some players are want to do) and with a few tweaks, it could still provide a host of benefits without ruining the atmosphere or design of the game. As shown by Shadow Of Mordor's darker, more mysterious Wraith Mode, Detective Mode could add a sense of mystery and darkness to the game, forcing the player to focus on the scenario at hand, while still helping to track movements and plan attacks.

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.