Batman: Arkham Knight: 10 Things It Must Learn From Shadow Of Mordor

3. The Brand System

When Talion was resurrected with the help of Celebrimbor, he gained some nifty new Wraith abilities to aid him in his quest for revenge. One of the more exciting ones is the ability to Dominate opponents and bend them to your will, Sith style. With Caragors, you can jump on their backs and ride them, using them against the Uruks and forcing them to fight alongside you. You can also dominate the Uruks themselves; this leads to some very interesting opportunities. While Dominated (or Branded), an Uruk can act as a spy of sorts for Talion, working within Sauron's Army to rise through the ranks and destroy it from the inside. The possibilities are near endless here - dominate a Captain and have him take out a Warchief on the sly; have him grow in power and overthrow several other Captains and weaken the force as a whole; or, using one of the game's final abilities, use him as an explosive sleeper agent, killing anything around him. It's a pretty interesting concept and it works well here. Of course, Batman isn't the kind of guy to go around killing for fun but the idea of intimidating enemies and forcing them to assist him could definitely work in Batman's world. In fact, it makes a whole load of sense; Batman relies on fear to fight crime and he could just as easily use that fear to corrupt it from the inside. Having a helping hand in battle would help in tough scenarios and there's plenty more possibilities for further mischief were Rocksteady to implement a similar system.

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.