Batman: Arkham Knight: 10 Things It Must Learn From Shadow Of Mordor

4. Progression Is Key

Pretty much from the get go, both Arkham City and Origins are completely open and ready to be explored by the player. That's all fine and dandy but it robs the games off a key sense of progression. Arkham Asylum actually does a better job of this as you slowly uncover the asylum and it's many mysteries, rather than simply opening the doors and diving in. Likewise, Shadow Of Mordor features a good level of story progression as you unlock the various areas of Mordor through story progression. A particular highlight is travelling through the Black Gate and discovering Nurn for the first time; a luscious green zone, unlike anything depicted in Mordor before. Seriously, in a region known for its charred lands, giant mountains and demonic-eye, to discover a lush, grassy area is pretty exciting. Does Gotham City have those same surprises on offer? Probably not. It's an area that we've seen explored countless times in comic books and films. Still, the game could still surprise us in a similar manner to Shadow Of Mordor by suddenly doubling the map size after several hours of play; it's a neat way of rewarding the player for their progression and to show that there's plenty more to enjoy within the game.

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.