Batman: Arkham Knight - 8 Big Worries From The "Officer Down" Trailer

6. Everything About The Batmobile Combat

So we finally got to see some extended Batmobile combat, and for the naysayers it's everything they need to prepare for the worst. Basically if you took a chunk of the gameplay mid-chase where Bats is launching missiles at the enemy car and barricading his way through concrete slabs to take them down - it doesn't even remotely look like a Batman game. Due to the sheer amount of variation between versions of the Batman character there's been across guys like Frank Miller, Scott Snyder, Chris Nolan, Grant Morrison etc. doing their own spin, there's always going to be a load of different expectations for what Batman 'should' be like - but in none of them will you find a tank-happy version blasting goons with missiles and assuming they make it out the resulting wreckage alive. It seems like you'll be using the Batmobile constantly to get around too, as the only alternative appears to be a certain other obtuse mechanic that doesn't appear to have changed much...
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