Batman: Arkham Knight - 8 Big Worries From The "Officer Down" Trailer

5. The Grapple-Glide System Still Looks Very Awkward

Did you ever wonder how Batman got around, zipping from place to place and out the site of peoples' last lines in any given conversation? Turns out it's all through the use of his grapple gun; something that yes is a regular fixture of the old utility belt - yet just feels a bit awkward when used to chain together propulsive glides across the city. Plenty fans didn't have a problem with this at all once they got used to it, but for the rest the very idea of Batman not being able to glide gracefully through the city, instead constantly climbing and falling his way to the next goal is a bit lacking. It's all about the momentum of it too, as in the new footage once you've got a grapple point and have reeled in and past it, Batman takes off at a great pace - but that initial connection still just doesn't flow into his animation very well, making the overall traversal have the same duck n' dive nature from City and Origins.
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