Batman: Arkham Knight - 8 Big Worries From The "Officer Down" Trailer

4. The Combat Is Almost Exactly The Same

If it ain't brok- ah, you know the rest. However, regardless of how much fun it is to mash someone's face in in time with certain button prompts, this is Rocksteady's big finish for the series - their final trilogy-capper of an entry that should be going all-out to flesh out Bats' moveset considerably, avoiding the Origins-style sense of series fatigue many people had in 2013. Maybe you literally do just want some more of the same delicious ribcage-popping same? Rocksteady are intent on delivering it, but so far you can count the new combat moves on two fingers - a slow-motion Fear Takedown that lets you dispatch a group of guys in slow-motion, and a few more contextual attacks like ramming a dude's head into an electric box. Chances are with this many things being exactly the same and most of the innovation being tied to the Batmobile itself, you're not going to have to change your gameplan on-mission whatsoever, and outside of drinking in the new visuals while you do so - that's a big worry.
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