Batman: Arkham Knight - 9 Reasons Why Season Of Infamy Is Already A Disappointment

6. The Chronology Is STILL Unclear

Perhaps the most intriguing question surrounding the release of the Season of Infamy is just when does it all take place? Amplified by Knight's bold if not contradictory final chapter, the way this final batch of content will fit into the Arkham Knight timeline has set forum chatter ablaze with speculation. The controversial ending isn't really conducive to the smooth implementation of these four extra villains, as any campaign set after Knight's events has the potential to shatter the ending's ambiguity altogether. The timeline would be pulled further into convolution if these four villains were retrospectively added to Knight's final story, as it wouldn't feel natural to turn back to events already completed and say - "But wait, there's more!" This doesn't bode well for the DLC's fluidity, especially if it doesn't precede the events of Bruce Wayne's 'final' night of crime fighting. It's yet another problem that the add-on will have to contend with, and a failure to adhere to the narrative constraints already set could further dismantle any semblance of continuity the Arkhamverse has.
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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.