Batman: Arkham Knight - 9 Ways The Joker Could Still Show Up

1. Voice Messages

Funnily enough, the Joker has already made an appearance (of sorts) post-death. As Arkham City's credits roll, a voice message is played (left on an unidentified person's voice mail), featuring him singing. It's a creepy sendoff which definitely fits the character; more of the same would be a welcome addition to Arkham Knight's narrative. Discovering equally creepy messages from the Joker hidden around Gotham wouldn't just be a neat collectible; it would cause all sorts of fan debate and intrigue. After all, it's unclear exactly when the Joker recorded his rendition of 'Only You' - are Rocksteady hinting at a return for the villain or did he foresee his death somehow, leading him to record one final taunt at the Dark Knight? This message alone raises all sorts of interesting, exciting questions - the World's Greatest Detective could definitely use a mystery like this on his final outing. Be it a separate, prominent side quest or a series of easter egg style collectibles which the player has to hunt for themselves, discovering and digesting a series of voice messages from beyond the grave would be a great storyline, especially when the Joker is involved. Mark Hamill has denied all involvement with Arkham Knight (spoil-sport!) but Troy Baker has ably filled in for him before - the possibility definitely cannot be ruled out. Agree? Disagree? Do you have any additional scenarios which might bring the Joker back to our screens without bringing him back to life? Let us know in the comments below.

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.