Batman: Arkham Knight - 9 Ways The Joker Could Still Show Up

2. Scarecrow Hallucinations

The main plot of Arkham Knight will focus on the Scarecrow causing trouble during Halloween and if the Arkham series has taught fans anything, it's that Scarecrow's idea of trouble usually leads to some pretty awesome scenes. In Arkham Asylum, hallucinations caused by the Scarecrow's Fear gas are experienced three times. Each one is a trippy, confusing, fourth-wall breaking mess which shows the vulnerable side of Bruce Wayne - to put it another way, they were awesome. So with the Scarecrow's new prominent role in Arkham Knight, more of these trippy visions can be expected - surely the Joker will be making an appearance or two within these scenes? After all, the death of his greatest foe made a big impact on Bruce; Joker's memory could definitely be haunting the man under the cowl and that's exactly the sort of thing that Scarecrow's Fear gas preys on. A Joker-centric hallucination could be a real treat too; it would be an opportunity for Rocksteady to torture Batman and shake him up, without having to damage or hurt him physically. Batman being tortured by Fear gas and the mere memory of the Joker? That's definitely something that the deceased villain would find funny.

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.