As mentioned previously the core of the plot focuses in on the chaos that Scarecrow has unleashed upon Gotham. Scarecrow is becoming one of the greatest incarnations of a Batman villain within the Rocksteady franchise and it is clear why they have chosen to use him again. Many Metal Gear Solid fans have adored the Scarecrow sequences from Arkham Asylum due to their Psycho Mantis feel to them; and with their tone set on confusing the player it offers a new challenge in comparison to what could only be described as fairly lacklustre boss battles throughout the rest of the game. Alongside Scarecrow, expect to see the usual band of villains such as The Riddler, Two-Face and Penguin as well as Harley Quinn. However, what has stirred the most debate and speculation has been the mystery surrounding the Arkham Knight, who is seemingly a match for a Batman within his prime. Discussion as to the identity of who is behind the mask of the Arkham Knight has revolved around Jason Todd, which would follow a similar plot to the fantastic animated film Red Hood, or Azrael, who many will know from the Knightfall comic book series. The Arkham Knight would allow a different villain to be introduced, one that can physically take on Batman instead of a series of goons following a leader. Here's hoping for some epic one on one battles. Whoever it is, what is made very clear from the trailers is that the Arkham Knight is capable of defeating Batman and hopefully this confrontation and potential downfall will lead seamlessly into a compelling and engaging narrative. Villains confirmed: Scarecrow Harley Quinn The Penguin Two-Face The Riddler Arkham Knight