Batman: Arkham Origins 2 - 10 Big Things It Can Fix From Knight

1. Make Things Semi-Linear Again

This last point may be a little controversial, but it's something that would put the potential sequel well on its way to becoming comparable with Rocksteady's earlier works. What was the one thing lacking in Arkham Knight's locales? Interiors. Throughout the game's entire course the only expansive interior locations are Panessa Studios, the Arkham Knight's headquarters and Stagg's airships - pretty much the rest of the game takes place in the city's streets and rooftops. This doesn't do much good in the way of atmosphere, something Arkham Asylum certainly possessed in great abundance. The location was jam packed with Easter eggs, environmental detail and claustrophobic tension, something the other titles have really struggled to emulate since. Without confining the sequel to merely one location, putting players down a more streamlined path is definitely called for. Origins' sequel would really benefit from having dynamic interiors that are as colourful as they are memorable, and that means the open world would have to suffer just a little bit, but let's face it - who's really that enthused about exploring a city evacuated again? They're running out of acceptable excuses at this point. C'mon WBGM, give The Carpenter and Broker some business. Really go wild with hideouts, traps and the sort - it'll only benefit the series in the long run. Are you at all excited at the idea of a WBGM sequel to Origins? Or would you rather they steer way clear from Batman? Be sure to let us know in the comments!
Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.