Battlefield 2042 Review: 6 Ups & 6 Downs

2. Specialists Are Surprisingly Fun

Battlefield 2042 Specialist Espinoza
EA Games

Perhaps the most controversial positive on this list, fans have been split on DICE’s decision to remove the regular Battlefield classes with locked weapons and gadgets, and instead include a bunch of operators with unique gadgets, abilities and customisation options.

While the argument that swapping out classes will massively impact team play is a valid one, specialists do have a lot going for them. Each plays radically different, with a bunch of team-focussed strengths and weakness. The unique gadgets are fun as all hell as well, whether it’s the grappling hook that makes you a master of verticality, or the wingsuit, which will make even the weakest Battlefield player feel like they’re living out a top YouTuber’s best play montage.

The ability for players to mix and match gadgets also hasn’t negatively impacted team play from my experience. There are still plenty of people running medic roles, dishing out ammo and providing a variety of support on the field. For a very different Battlefield like this, specialists are an intriguing experiment.

Just please get rid of those cringe end-of-round one-liners, DICE.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3