Battlefield 3: 10 Reasons Why We Are Still Playing

9. Co-op

Even though the co-op mode in Battlefield 3 wasn't a large addition, it was quite a bit of fun. The six missions offered something better than the single player campaign, and they also demo'd what Frostbite 2 can do. Sure, it wasn't the best co-op mode, but the missions were fun enough and the console versions offered an achievement or trophy for each mission, so they were worth playing for that. Even if that wasn't enough, your co-op score even gives you more weapons for the multiplayer mode of the game, and who can't resist the MP7's power? Yes, the latest patch makes the M5K better than the MP7, but it's still a good gun. And the 93R was worth it too. I only hope that more co-op missions are brought in as DLC later, hopefully as part of Endgame. The co-op missions also offered their own story as well, and gave a great tactical, military feel. Far better than the campaign or multiplayer modes. There just something fun about playing with a good friend.

I live in Australia, love to write and play games. So what better than writing about games? I love all things action and fantasy, as well as my occasional shooter. I literally cannot wait for GTAV!