Battlefield 5: 9 Reasons Fans Should Be Worried

2. "Historical Inaccuracy"

Battlefield 5

The historical inaccuracy of the game is a big topic for debate and one that is hovering over the game like a rain cloud. But it ultimately comes down to the major selling point of these yearly release shooters. And that is the setting. No one buys these games for the new guns, but the historical dressing, and not retaining a consistent level of accuracy is going to annoy fans.

That's not say there is not a place for disabled people and women in video-games. Of course, there is, you'd be an idiot to argue against that. But when you are trying to sell a historical WW2 shooter to fans of the franchise, they will want it to be as accurate as possible. That's why people liked Battlefield 1.

It is again, another misunderstanding of the core fanbase for these games. The fact that that fanbase has turned from the game because of the direction of the series should be enough to raise red flags. It's not that the fanbase is sexist, it's that they want a WW2 game. And at this present moment and time, it doesn't seem like they are getting exactly what they want.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.