Battlefield 5: 9 Reasons Fans Should Be Worried

1. The Delay

Battlefield 5

EA has announced that the game is going to be delayed a month which seems like a really good step to take in terms of saving the game's image. But, a month in terms of game development isn't exactly much. Chances are this is simply to ensure that the game launches in a playable state and isn't as buggy and broken as their past few releases.

When it comes to fixing the fundamental problems that fans have (the historical inaccuracy and so on), that month isn't going to help. The game is pretty much finished in terms of structure and design, so we can't expect major things to be changed.

It is still a positive step that EA is making an effort to ensure the game is of a notable standard, but again, it is very much like clapping a baby's first steps.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.