Battlefield 6: 9 Settings DICE Should Use

6. Germany

Battlefield 6

Again, much like it’s European neighbour, Germany would vary greatly depending on the time period in which it was set.

Not wanting to always use it as a reference point, but seeing how it’s the same genre and same mould of game, it makes sense to use Call of Duty as a comparison. World of War gave us some tough missions to complete with its chain of Russian campaign missions, seeing Reznov and co storm the Reichstag and fighting within the heartland of Berlin.

Conversely, a modern Germany would be a stark change from its historic counterpart. Today’s German cities are bustling and vibrant, having high populations, and a propensity for technology.

Modern Warfare 3’s missions “Goalpost” and “Scorched Earth” took place in Hamburg and Berlin respectively, depicting the cities as ravaged metropolises, decimated by the brute force of Makarov’s forces.

Depending on what route Battlefield takes, the tone of the game will be quite different. A historic take will feature a wounded land with the scars of war, whereas the Germany of today could feature something entirely juxtaposed depending on what DICE choose as the enemy nation/faction.

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A lover of video games, Star Wars, and cereal. Thinks Starfox Adventures was really good.