Battlefield 6: 9 Settings DICE Should Use

4. Russia

Battlefield 6

As much as some kind of Russian enemy force like Ultranationalists or some other oppressive faction is usually the main antagonist in modern era shooters, few games feature Russia as the actual setting of the game itself.

Battlefield Bad Company came mighty close, in that the game was centred around a fictional Russo-American war, but the game took place in the fabricated country of Serdaristan. Rather than make a game straight up point the finger at the country and possibly draw backlash from a political standpoint, the developers used Serdaristan as a pseudo-Russian replacement.

Russia’s vast landscape is home to many different environments, opening up the possibility for a variety of missions. You could be sneaking around the unsettling silent woods of the Krasny Bor Forest in one mission and blowing up tanks in the streets of St. Petersburg in the next.

Battlefield 4’s plot also had a secondary story arc revolving around Russian support for the Chinese forces in the game, so if Battlefield 6 continues this timeline, it could be a natural continuation of that story if it goes in that direction.

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A lover of video games, Star Wars, and cereal. Thinks Starfox Adventures was really good.