Battlefield 6: 9 Settings DICE Should Use

3. Central/South America

Battlefield 6

Other games in the past have flirted with various levels in Latin American countries like Brazil and Panama, but these are usually a singular instance rather than a full setting. Battlefield 6 could look to buck this trend.

Generally, military shooters that feature South American countries in their stories usually have the plot revolving around overthrowing a dictator of some description, like Black Ops II did by featuring Manuel Noriega and mimicking “Operation Just Cause”.

If Battlefield 6 turns out to be the next chapter in the Bad Company series, the likelihood of having a backdrop of somewhere like Brazil, Columbia, Chile, Panama, or any countries of a similar nature could be entirely possible, as Bad Company 2 took place all over South America with levels in places like Ecuador and Bolivia.

Modern Warfare 2 had you sprinting around the crowded streets and rooftop favelas of Rio de Janeiro chasing after arms dealers, and Call of Duty Ghosts had several missions that took place across Brazil including a stealth mission deep within the Amazon Rainforest.

Despite Ghosts’ fairly lacklustre reception, these levels were some of the highlights of the single-player campaign.

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A lover of video games, Star Wars, and cereal. Thinks Starfox Adventures was really good.