Battlefield 6: 9 Settings DICE Should Use

1. Vietnam

Battlefield 6
Electronic Arts

A personal favourite location, it’s a possibility the next instalment in the Battlefield series could be set in Vietnam and its surrounding areas.

That’s not to say it’ll be set specifically during the United States Vietnam conflict that took place from 1955 to 1975, although the setting naturally lends itself to being poised during this extremely brutal section of history.

Call of Duty Black Ops gave us the campaign of Mason and Woods fighting against opposing forces in the wartorn cities of Laos, the rainy rooftops of Kowloon, and the dense jungles of Vietnam itself. BF6 could draw from similar inspiration and add some diverse environments if it went for an Indonesian based setting.

Choosing a modern version of cities like Hanoi or Da Nang would probably resemble something closer to that of Battlefield 4 and the story that game told, but using a part of the world that has history, diversity, and beauty could allow the story to set up a fictional modern-day conflict with American and Indochinese forces.

Bad Company 2 featured DLC with maps set in Vietnam, so it's plausible we could see this love affair rekindled.

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A lover of video games, Star Wars, and cereal. Thinks Starfox Adventures was really good.