Before GTA V: 5 Most Infuriating Ways To Die In Grand Theft Auto

1. Drowning

waterwasted Water is the essence of life. Without regular consumption of it, any living organism on the planet from a human being to the smallest insect would die. Except in the bizzaro-world of early Grand Theft Auto titles water was instead the most deadly thing in existence, with anything from a shallow river to a miniscule pond proving capable of ending the player character€™s existence should they find themselves within it, unable to swim or even flail their way to safety. Thankfully, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas gave players the ability to swim and both GTA IV and GTA V have opted to retain it, bringing a hopefully permanent end to this frankly ridiculous way of dying. Looking forward to GTA V? Recall any bizarre deaths from your experience of past titles in the series? Feel free to share your opinions in the comments section.

Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.