Bethesda Indiana Jones Game: 6 Trailer Secrets You Missed

3. Indiana Jones Might Be A Spy Now

Indiana jones game

Through the cavalcade of content strewn across Indiana Jones' table, we also see a letter with the hallmark redactions of the American Secret Services. We have seen Indy break into secure secret locations before and return some of his finds not just to museums, but to the US government for safekeeping.

So, Indy is no stranger to police collaboration, but he has never been known to provide incursions into the Vatican at the behest of the US government - perhaps marking a strange turn for the character?

Well, perhaps not so strange. According to brief mentions in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and the PC game The Infernal Machine, Indiana Jones served as a CIA agent during the second world war. This game takes place a scant two years before the outbreak of the war, with overbearing international tensions hanging heavy on the global consciousness.

It would make sense then, for Indy to be sent to a growing fascist power that has openly allied with Adolf Hitler by the CIA on the cusp of a world war. What he is hoping to retrieve, however, remains to be seen.


A recovering English graduate and Dark Souls 2 apologist, Martin takes every opportunity he can to write on all things entertainment. You can find all his work by checking out the website he finally bought WordPress for here: