Bethesda Indiana Jones Game: 6 Trailer Secrets You Missed

2. The Tower Of Babel Might Feature

Indiana jones game

One of the scraps of paper strewn across Indy's desk mentions a Ziggurat, a structure that is built to raise a temple higher towards a god or gods.

The most famous of these skyward-reaching structures is, of course, ancient Babylon's Tower of Babel. We have already established Indiana's dabbling in Judeo-Christian doctrine, and the Tower of Babel is another fascinating story that the Indiana Jones series has yet to fully explore - especially on a game on this scale.

There are more hidden references at play here - the ancient Babylonians are the ones rumoured to have pilfered the Ark of the Covenant, establishing a link to the franchise's first film. Tucked just behind the ziggurat drawing is a depiction of the Golden Idol, the focus of the movie's iconic first scene.

Alongside all of this interlinking lore, fascist states like Mussolini's Italy and Hitler's Germany had a deep fascination with myth, mysticism, and sources of occult power. Could Italy's forces be marching towards the secrets of the lost Tower of Babel? Perhaps the Vatican stores some items that point to its location?

Mussolini's fascist Italy formed various pacts and alliances with the Roman Catholic Church, incorporating the Vatican into the supremacist state. The dictator once remarked that "the Pope represents 400 million men scattered the world over" - and with Machine Games' excellent history of critiquing Nazism (contemporary and historical), the game may bring a incisive lens to this dark spot in the histories of both Italy and the Church.


A recovering English graduate and Dark Souls 2 apologist, Martin takes every opportunity he can to write on all things entertainment. You can find all his work by checking out the website he finally bought WordPress for here: