Bethesda Indiana Jones Game: 6 Trailer Secrets You Missed

1. That's Not Indy's Whip?

Indiana jones game

Turns out, the whip that's laid on that desk is incredibly inaccurate. It almost certainly would not provide Indy with his iconic whip crack, a sound that echoes strongly in the memories of millions of fans across the globe.

An alleged "whip expert" found that the whip is missing the classic leather fronds that snap together to make a cracking noise, and that Bethesda had essentially commissioned a fancy rope to appear in its trailer.

The user further found that the way the whip bends after the handle is symptomatic of a broken or cheap whip (possibly from a costume shop). Is this a mistake on Bethesda's part, or are we being dropped secret hints that the upcoming title is a disguised cosplay game? Indy Dress Up?

Probably not.

While this is forgivable for some concept art in a teaser trailer, you do have to wonder how the company missed the part of the whip that actually makes the sound.

Whatever the case may be, and despite the lack of concrete details on the game itself, people are incredibly hyped for this game. Hopefully for their sake it will be a cracking experience.


A recovering English graduate and Dark Souls 2 apologist, Martin takes every opportunity he can to write on all things entertainment. You can find all his work by checking out the website he finally bought WordPress for here: