Bioshock's 10 Best Moments

8. God Only Knows - Bioshock Infinite

Lutece twins Bioshock infinite

Ok, this is a small moment in a huge game full of epic moments, but it is such a delightful and memorable touch.

As you are entering the city of Columbia, you see a number of awe-inspiring sights: a city floating in the clouds, giant airships patrolling the skies and a disconcertingly upbeat and happy tone. So it only makes sense to have a barbershop quartet singing God Only Knows by The Beach Boys, effectively serenading you as you explore that part of the city.

The coolest thing about this moment is the hidden meaning behind it. The Beach Boys were well known for their fluffy, inoffensive pop but with Pet Sounds (the album God Only Knows appears on) they took a much darker direction with their lyrics (Wouldn't It Be Nice is nowhere near as uplifting as you may think).

By using this song, Levine and his team are making a comment on Columbia appearing to be happy and fluffy on the outside, but if you take the time to look a little closer you will see something much more disturbing.

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An opinionated gamer and movie lover. When not writing about Movies, Games and TV, I am usually watching/playing Movies, Games and TV and occasionally trying to be funny on stage. All published articles will be linked to my twitter so feel free to follow me @mark_woodrow