Bioshock Infinite: 8 Reasons Why It's Incredible

2. Challenge

Playing through the game on Hard through my first play-through was a bold choice and one I lived to regret many times. Several times I got stuck on a certain section and I found myself considering moving it down to Medium (Happy to report that I braved through). Bioshock Infinite is not for the feint of heart on its harder difficulties. While you can respawn as much as needed and any enemies you had killed previously remain dead, on hard you will incur a $50 hit on your money and all enemies will regain a portion of their life. On some of the bosses towards the end of the game this create a perpetually losing situation as your ammo dwindles and you can no longer find anymore. More than twice I had to find ways of cheating the system, such as camping up next to a vending machine and buying health and ammo to defeat a particularly difficult boss. While I do think there is a bit of an unfair imbalance in the amount of ammo you get to keep and the amount you need to kill all the enemies in a given area, it sometimes left me cursing at the screen, I know it is something many players will relish. And that is just on hard. I worry for myself for when I finally brave the games '1999 mode'.

Patrick Dane is someone who spends too much of his time looking at screens. Usually can be seen pretending he works as a film and game blogger, short film director, PA, 1st AD and scriptwriter. Known to frequent London screening rooms, expensive hotels, couches, Costa coffee and his bedroom. If found, could you please return to the internet.