Bioshock Infinite: 8 Reasons Why It's Incredible

1. The Final Section

bioshock So you have conquered the challenges that the floating city has thrown at you, is the end worth it? In simple, yes. Very. All your previous experiences cultivate into an incredibly strong ending that, while some may find too large a departure from the reality of the series, I am sure most will be very happy and surprised with how it all comes together. It will leave you scratching your head and needing another playthrough to make full sense but once you explore its depths, it is actually cleverly done. If I was to sit here now and tell you in hard terms how it ends and everyone's relationship to one another, you may find it all somewhat juvenile in its plot twists. But wrapped together in such a neatly tucked package and revealing themes about fate and past mistakes, that it actually has surprising gravitas. If you pushed me to compare it to something else in pop culture, I would probably say a Steven Moffat Doctor Who season. Emotionally satisfying, conceptually inventive, mind bending and so much fun that you won't mind some of the gaps in its logic. Bioshock Infinte is well worth your time. Full to the brim of ideas and inventiveness and pulled off with such quality, that its flaws are minor annoyances in the face of one of the best FPS experiences ever put to disc. If you dislike something about the game, it shan't be too long until you are dazzled again. Bioshock Infinite is out tomorrow. I advise you pick it up and let me know how right or wrong I was in the comment section.

Patrick Dane is someone who spends too much of his time looking at screens. Usually can be seen pretending he works as a film and game blogger, short film director, PA, 1st AD and scriptwriter. Known to frequent London screening rooms, expensive hotels, couches, Costa coffee and his bedroom. If found, could you please return to the internet.