Black Ops 3: 44 WTF Campaign Moments

26. The Diaz Boss Battle

As you fight your way through the Coalescence facility, you end up getting a call from your teammate Sebastian Diaz, revealing that his DNI has been controlling the robot hive-mind all along. After you make the way to the system core, you see Diaz patched directly into it, surrounded by a fleet of robot guards. And so kick-starts another boss battle, where you have to destroy three cooling rods and hurl a grenade in the core each time, eventually bringing the battle to an end. It's fairly repetitive stuff and far from the most imaginative of boss fights, sadly, not to mention a jarring change of direction for the franchise in this case...

25. The Terminator Level

As the Immortals attempt to overrun a CIA safehouse, the player decides to go rogue and run into a burning building to rescue teammate Kane, leading to an incredibly Terminator-esque sequence in which you shoot down waves upon waves of robots emerging out of smoldering fire. It's hard not to feel like the game is cribbing directly from James Cameron's revered franchise, whether or not it was intentional (though we suspect it was). Robots + fire is always going to be sublimely creepy thanks to Cameron's 1984 sci-fi masterpiece.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.