Black Ops 3: 44 WTF Campaign Moments

20. Hendricks Punches You

After fending off the NRC, you and your team regroup as you pursue Dr. Salim. Your character then talks to Kane on comms and gets her to triangulate a tracking signal placed on Salim, which hugely angers Hendricks, who accuses the pair of withholding information from him. After the player tells him that his head hasn't been straight since Singapore, he lands a firm punch to the player's jaw. And you don't really need much more signposting than this that Hendricks is going to be a problem later on in the game...

19. Sarah Hall Boss Fight

The eighth mission sees your squad teaming with the Egyptian army to fight the good fight, but a road block shows up as a gigantic mech appears to try and stop you, piloted by one of your own no less, Sarah Hall, who has for some reason turned against you. Cue another boss fight in which you need to batter Sarah's mech unit with missiles scattered around the map, but of course, her armour is extremely potent and she fires out explosive spikes which can make short work of you. Sarah is eventually brought down, and after the fight, you head over to her to extract information from her DNI, leading to one of the strangest levels in CoD history...

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.