Black Ops 3: 44 WTF Campaign Moments

18. "Press Square To Pick Up Child"

You're suddenly thrown into a surreal landscape, a black space where several illuminated trees guide your way as various voices whisper in the background. At one of the trees you find a crying baby, leading to the unintentionally hilarious moment where the game orders you to pick up the child by holding a button. This just might become the new "press F to pay your respects" meme. As for why there's a freaking baby there? Who knows? Seconds after you pick it up, it evaporates into digital dust.

17. The Trippy World War II Battles

After Sarah then tells you about a shady experimental project which led to the Singapore disaster, you get thrown into a World War II-style battlefield...for basically no reason. As if that wasn't odd enough, Sarah then floats into the air and flies into the distance, as you have to shoot your way across the battlefield, using modern weapons no less, while enemies are spawned out of thin-air as the action "rewinds" before your very eyes. Yes, it doesn't sound like it makes much sense, and that's because it basically doesn't. It pretty much just felt like a way to shove a classic WWII scene into the game, but it wasn't done with any logic or coherence whatsoever. The rewind aspect ultimately feels more cheap than anything, as it can spawn enemies behind you and result in a quick death. Sarah only gives cryptic hints about why you're here as things get weirder, with the ground raising up out of nowhere, a pack of wolves trying to eat you, the land folding in on itself during one battle (pictured above), and a fight against a Tiger tank that feels straight out of classic CoD,

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.