Black Ops 3: 44 WTF Campaign Moments

38. Nanomachines Are Now Weapons

The tutorial mission also introduces you to a number of enhancements your new mind and body are kitted out with, one being the ability to send a swarm of nanomachines to attack any group of enemies in the vicinity, blinding then with strobe bots and even setting them alight with so-called Firefly bots. It can be extremely entertaining watching the nanos giving the soldiers hell, and it's naturally super-helpful if you're in a tight spot. Yes, it's ridiculous, but hey, if nanomachines are good enough for the Metal Gear Solid franchise, then why not CoD? It was really the natural next step...

37. Concussive Wave Destroys All The Robots

During the section of the training mission in which you actually attempt to stop the train blowing up, you'll be given the Concussive Wave ability, which can be extremely vital for taking enemies down in close-quarters combat. You get a ripe opportunity to try it out against a fleet of robots, who are powerless to do anything as you dive at them, delivering a massive blast which reduces them to scrap metal. Awesome.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.