Borderlands 2: 8 Reasons We're Still Playing

1. Billions and Billions of Guns

splatgun Do you like loot, wait, more importantly do you like guns? Of course you do, especially when there are billions of possible combinations. Perhaps, the single greatest reason to keep coming back to Borderlands 2 is the sheer amount of gun variety that you are able to find over the course of your adventures. Assault rifles that launch mini-rockets, rpg's that shoot multiple rockets which split in two, and infuses them with different elemental damage. Borderlands 2 offers you an insane amount of weaponry to select from, and provides options for vault hunters in need of flexibility. Gearbox wasn't kidding when they said, "millions and millions of incredible weapons." Now that our list is complete, it's time for all vault hunters to unite! There's still treasure to be found in the wastes of Pandora...what are you waiting for? Get to it!

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