Call Of Duty: 9 Biggest Mistakes Activision Want You To Forget

9. Holding Modern Warfare: Remastered Hostage With Black Ops 4

call of duty modern warfare remastered

Part of the reason why Infinite Warfare was so poorly received was that Activision, in all of its genius glory, decided that the best way to get players to not only pre-order the game, but spend as much as possible on it, was to exclusively bundle it with Modern Warfare Remastered.

Obviously, the original Modern Warfare was the game that kicked the entire Call of Duty boom off back in 2007, and is one of the most beloved games of all time. It's the kind of title that fans had been craving to revisit on new consoles for a while, and Activision knew that.

Instead of remastering it and selling it like normal though, it made it part of Infinite Warfare's special edition (which cost a crisp $80) and failed to confirm whether or not it would see a standalone release.

The worst part is, the game itself was actually outstanding. There had been so much care and attention put into updating an iconic experience, but it was all for nothing as Activision held it hostage and soured players on both it and Infinite Warfare in the process.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3