Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3 - 10 Past Game-Breaking Issues That Must Be Fixed

8. Over-Powered Sniper Rifles

Call of Duty black ops 3

Sniping can be a controversial topic among the COD community. Being on the receiving end of a skilled quickscoper can be a frustrating feeling, but in most of the Call of Duty titles it does require a good deal of skill. Newer games have made sniping more and more difficult; to the point that it’s highly difficult to snipe in the most recent game, Advanced Warfare.

Black Ops 2 was almost the opposite, with sniper rifles that were extremely easy to use. In that game, there was more aim-assist for sniping that made quick-scoping much easier. As the game generally had slower time-to-kill, this made sniping a tad unbalanced.

Ghosts removed much of that aim-assist, but had very powerful sniper rifles that could kill with a single shot in more areas of the body, especially with the chrome lining attachment. Coupled with the games larger than normal maps made sniping a bit too favourable in this game as well.

Solution: Sniper Rifles should have unique handling mechanics for each, making weaker guns easier to use and stronger more difficult.


Freelance Writer and net entrepreneur extraordinaire! Also an avid fan of video games, anime, and action figures. Currently hopping to finish a backlog of video games spanning into the 90’s.