Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 - 10 Past Mistakes Activision Can't Repeat

8. Fix The Launch Issues

Call of Duty Black Ops 3 DNI

In an era where other franchises have moved towards dedicated servers and tried their very best to have a smooth launch, Call of Duty still succumbs to the same networking issues every single year. Though it's always a bit rocky, WW2 was particularly bad, with the new social hub headquarters being offline for weeks after the game first came out.

Obviously if Black Ops 4 wants to hit the ground running then it needs to figure out these issues before the title is in the hands of players worldwide. Although they can often recover - and most titles in the series eventually have - a poor launch only hurts the die-hard fans who keep the Call of Duty clock ticking and pick every game up at launch.

Nobody wants new features to be hampered from online issues that should be solved long before the title ships, and Black Ops 4's opening weekend can't afford to once again be crippled by online problems that hamper the experience.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3